Sunday, July 8, 2007

Ambercrombie...That's what my Dad calls it

These fashion pet peeves are a little objective, so I've decided to include photos to demonstrate my point. First of all grandma flowered anything, but especially these ugly button up cowboy looking shirts. They just aren't cute. ..Image Hosted by"

Next is tommy girl shirts, it just goes along with the whole name brand thing across your shirt, like Tommy makes cute clothes but their logo tees are just not cutting it. Cut them up and use them as rags...Image Hosted by"

Peasant Tops, unless you are 3 and under, please don't wear them, I guess it's the poofy sleeves that get to me, I'm not sure, there is just something about them that makes me want to lash out irrationally. ..Image Hosted by"

Gym shirts, leave them to the sport teams, especially the orange ones. You don't play football, you never will, and you don't look cute in that shirt, so take it off and go change! Or put a paper bag over your head, either one will work...Image Hosted by"

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