Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I thought we were over this already!

So a couple of years graphic tees were really big. I have mentioned my annoyance with this trend and my hope that it would never return. Well apparently it has. Tonight while I was browsing a popular clothing website I honestly couldn't believe my eyes. I have included some pictures so that you could see with your own eyes.

First we begin with a classic "I heart bad boys"...well thanks for letting us know, but bad boys don't really like girls who wear shirts like this. So good luck with for you. 

Next we have a "brains not bombs" shirt. This shirt is not going to change the world or prevent a terrorist attack and if you're trying to make a political statement do you really think people are going to take you seriously wearing a shirt purchased from Forever 21 for $8.97? Ya, I don't think so. 

Our next no no is an extremely confusing hoodie. I understand that they are trying to communicate the fact that they like "rock and roll" aka I like the Jonas Brothers and Ashley Tisdale and because they use guitars in their music makes them rock and roll. But to my original point, the shirt basically reads " I 2 guitars crossed RR red star in the corner" that is too much to process.

This next one is hilarious. A necklace with numbers hanging from it...what the? All the numbers aren't even there, we are missing 3, 5, 6 and 7 and we have two 4's. The only explanation I can think of is that this is some celebs phone number...but if that is the case what's the area code????????
The next shirt is just straight up orange fugly shirt that says free hugs. Do you HONESTLY think people are going to walk right up to you and take you up on that? NO!!! The shirt is just ugly, noone would want to hug an idiot wearing this.
Alright, next we have necklaces that say "blonde" or "brunette". Well thank you for providing information for those that are too damn lazy to raise their eyes 3 centimeters to actually see the color of their hair. By the way Blondes really do have more fun...suck on that!

We conclude with a shirt that says "Gimme More". All I have to ask is are we really modeling a shirt around a woman who shaved her head (probably during a paranoid schiz. attack), lost her children, reminds me a little of crazy Anna Nicole Smith and performs at the VMA's with missing acrylic nails?????????? Guess we are... and we are obviously not over her career dating back to Hit me baby one more time evidenced by the following skirt. (Yes this skirt is still for sale...full price).